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Our company has set itself the goal of focusing on the product groups that our country needs within the scope of high-tech materials and producing material groups with the inspiration we get from nature. It was established with the grant support received within the scope of TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye) 1512 Entrepreneurship Support Programme to create solutions in line with the needs of industry and academia, contribute to the production of value-added products, and most importantly, to the development of human potential in our country.
Inspire Material Technologies, which started its activities in Eskişehir Technology Development Zone Anadolu Technology Research Park in 2020, continues to work in 2 different locations to produce value-added products and services within the scope of research-development (R&D) and production-development (P&D) in advanced technology materials and characterization.

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Our team


Bulent Alkan



Materials Engineer


Dr. Seckin Akin

Academic Advisor


Materials Engineer


Dr. Halil Yilmaz

Academic Advisor

Materials Engineer


News From Us

23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramımız kutlu olsun.
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